bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw bce then follow taw

Friday, April 29, 2011

holla everyone....hari ni aq nk share 1 cter about my frens...
aq ske sgt kwn dgn dorg sbb dorg mmg bek...aq syukur sgt dpt kwn dgn dorg...
thnx a lot sbb sudi jd kwn aq...syg korunk sgt2...huhu

Thursday, April 28, 2011

wan punye hamster....

tolong jg hamster kt sbelah ni..nnti puan loh amik wt pembedahan.....

Saturday, February 26, 2011


and again??ni pic ammar alfian..omg..howt...wat hppend to him?? tk malu ke??

wahai cikgu bio ku...

hmm...4 ur information nme ckg bio aq ni LOH KAH YEAN..
she's a strict teacher in my class..dye ajar pun dlm bi...
masuk kelas tk penah snyum walau sikit pun..habit dye bile msuk klas dye tnye soalan..
tp aq tk kisah jnji aq dapat result yg GEMPAK dalam SPM 2012..AMINNN...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


hai u guyz...wat wrong wif me??
aq pun tk tau ape orientation aq skrg ni...hurmmm
sama ade aq bisex or str8..
but now i'm still in love wif someone...and he guy..
i luv him so much...
but aq tau dosa yg akn aq tggung...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

holla everyone..:))

hi...nice 2 meet u all..btw thnx 4 those who read my blog..
4 ur information i have a lot of story to share wif u guyz...
see yaaa